So welcome to my Blog a random collection of Thoughts, Stories, and other things that may come to me in during my Exchange to South Africa! Get excited and read along!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

La Cucaracha!

La cucaracha! la cucaracha! El no puede caminar,
La cucaracha! la cucaracha! El no puede caminar!

Because I hit him with a toilet brush and flushed him down the toilet!

So I woke up and there was this big cockroach (cucaracha) about 1.25 inches long (3-4 cm long?). In the hallway, and he didn't want to leave on his own (trying to sneak past me into my room) so I took the toilet brush and Thwap! I hit him onto his back, and Thwap! Again to get him stuck on the brush, and then Flush! down the toilet he went.

Anyways in othernews I finished my first exam, 3 hours: 4 essays, 3/4 of an hour each essay! Theo of Transformation done, Onto an essay, a take home exam, and one last 3 hour exam!



  1. I cannot. cannot believe that you are almost finished. Where has the time gone?

  2. I know crazy eh? I think the time disappeared into lectures and readings for me! But Wow has it flown by! I have one week left here in PMB with only one last exam to get preppared for. I will be around PMB a bit inbetween routes but it is crazy that it is almost over. :(
